The Effect Of Poor Working Conditions On The Performance Of An Office Manager


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Any association that wishes to succeed in achieving it aims and objects has to maintain a good working condition so as to achieve its pretensions. natural factors is the impulses attached to one’s job that’s what influences the director within the job, and this include achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility creation and possibility for particular growth, while foreign are the environmental condition attached to one’s work element that contribute or motivated the mangere.g. interpersonal relationship with associates and inferiors.


According to Armstrong( 2009) well being at work live when people are happy with their work, what they do, how they’re treated and how they get on with others. The well- being of an office staff depends on the working staff depends on the working condition handed by the employers. The feeling of satisfaction and happiness arises from the work, and the work terrain.


In case study reported by Ahazu( 1985), it shows that when Nigeria is observed in his traditional practices, is seen to be veritably important married and to be veritably sedulous or hardworking as to when it comes to the work terrain where he appears to be iron challenge or he feel largely unattached and isn’t as hand working as he typically will feel at his traditional plant.


Noble( 2003) states that further attention should be paid in relating and dealing with working conditions because when office registers have Negative perception to their work terrain they eventually suffer from habitual stress.


This study was guided by the end factor model advanced by Frederick Herzberg( 1950s) this proposition is divided into two( motivational and conservation factors) conservation factor is also known as the( hygiene factor) similar as working condition and job security. So working absence of conservation bring high negative passions and their presence on neutral state.


Working conditions are created by the commerce of office director and include cerebral as well as physical working condition.


Statement Of The Problem


In the world moment, there are association when debate on the right of their staff utmost people spend fifty percent of their lines within inner surroundings, which greatly impact their internal status, conduct, capacities and performance. More issues and increase performance is assembled to be the result of better plant terrain. More physical terrain of office boost staffs and eventually ameliorate their performance. Literature pertain to the study of multiple services and office structures indicates that the factors similar as dissatisfaction; clustered plant and the physical terrain are playing a major part in the loss of office staffs performance,( Carnesville 1992). thus, the problem that this study addressed is the disquisition of the effect of poor working condition on the performance of an office staff.




The end of the study is to identify the position of poor working condition of office director; the objects of the study are as follows


1) To determine whether the association has any training programme to ameliorate the working condition of an office director.


2) To find out how association improves the working condition of an office director?


3) To examine whether the association has any weal scheme for office director?


4) To find out how working condition affect the overall performance of an office director in the association?


Significance Of The Study


The outgrowth of this study may give useful and palpable information for office directors on ways to ameliorate the performance of director.


In addition the completion of the exploration will also increase the volume of empirical literature in the subject area in the field of OTM in particular and operation in general.


Also, the result of this study will add the directors and business association to understand the merit and the dereliction of working condition on the performance office director. With the aid of the below, the operation will be suitable to borrow and acclimatize a favourable working atmosphere which will enhance effective, effective and increase performance which in turn will increase office directors productivity.


Exploration Questions


The following exploration questions are formulated to guide the experimenter;


What are the training programme of the association which will ameliorate the working condition of an office director? In what ways does your association ameliorate the working condition of an office director? What are the weal schemes of the association for office director? How does working condition affect the overall performance of an office director in your association?


Compass Of The Study




The compass of this exploration is on the effect of poor working condition on the performance of an office staff. The study limits compass to top, middle and lower position operation staffs( director) of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation( NNPC) Port Harcourt.


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