Computer based security and monitoring system for forensic experts


Chapter One



Background Of The Study


The world is getting a lower place in which to live and work. A technological revolution in dispatches and information exchange has taken place within business, assiduity and homes. utmost developed and developing countries are mainly more invested in information processing

and operation than manufacturing goods, and this has affected their professional and particular lives. We bank and transfer plutocrat electronically and we’re much more likely to admit anE-mail than a letter. It’s estimated that the worldwide internet population is 349 million( Commerce Net Research Council 2000).


In this information technology age, some traditional crimes especially those concerning finance and commerce, continue to be upgraded technologically. Crimes associated with theft and manipulations of data are detected daily. Crimes of violence also aren’t vulnerable to the goods of the information age. A serious and expensive terrorist act could come from the internet rather of a truck lemon. The journal of a periodical killer may be recorded on a droopy fragment or hard fragment drive rather than on paper in a tablet. Just as the pool has gradationally converted from manufacturing goods to recycling information, felonious exertion has to large extent also converted from physical dimension.


There calls a need for computer forensic experts and computer grounded monitoring and security system for easy prisoner of substantiation of meddler who compromises a network or computer. This design dealt with the design and perpetration of a computer grounded security and monitoring system for forensic experts, an ideal way for tracking the conditioning of an account stoner and also for recovering digital substantiation of crime committed in a computer system.



Statement Of The Problem



With the elaboration of computer and the internet which has made the world a global vill, so has culprits also taken advantage of this technological advancement to engage in different forms of cyber crime ranging from terrorism, internet fraud to the release of sophisticated contagions which is delicate to trace the perpetrators due to lack of sophisticated software that can recoup information of similar conditioning. This led to the design of a computer grounded security and monitoring system for forensic experts which will help in tracking the conditioning of internet druggies and for recovery of digital substantiation of crime committed in a computer system.


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