Development of E-Learning Website for yaba tech students
Chapter One
Background Of The Study
Markus( 2008) definese-learning as a literacy process created by commerce with digitally delivered content, network- grounded services and training support. This description focuses on the revolutionary impact of network- enabled technology. Adding further details on methodologye-learning is any technologically intermediated literacy using computers whether from a distance or in face to face classroom
setting( computer supported literacy), it’s a shift from traditional education or training
to ICT- grounded substantiated, flexible, individual, tone- organized, cooperative literacy grounded on a community of learners, preceptors, facilitators, experts ”
Central in this description are two aspects ofe-learninge-learning as computer supported literacy, ande-learning as pedagogy for pupil- centered and cooperative literacy. These aspects in fact summarizes the development ofe-learning in time. Early developments ine-learning concentrated on computer supported literacy, where part or all of the literacy content is delivered digitally. More lately the pedagogical dimension ofe-learning has come prominent.
Universities are forced to respond to the arising developments in information and communication technology( ICT). The Internet is fast getting an everyday tool for life conditioning. The use of internet for tutoring and literacy is getting a normal extension. scholars also have high prospects about the use of ICT in their education. The shift in learner prospects, changing demographics of learners, and the rapid-fire development of subject knowledge forms challenges to universities( Ryan etal., 2000, Alexander, 2001).
E-learning can be defined as the use of information and communication technology to acquire knowledge and ameliorate chops at times and on terms defined by each learner in an interactive and engaging terrain. It covers a diapason of conditioning from amalgamated and cold-blooded literacy to learning that’s entirely online( distance literacy). E-learning substantially takes the form of online courses, where the dominant literacy technology employed moment is a type of system that organizes and delivers these courses. E-learning models are attempts to develop fabrics to address the enterprises of the learner and present the technology challenges to deliver effective qualitye-learning. When enforcinge-learning model, it’s veritably important not to take too narrow view of what constitutese-learning and where its main value might lie. It’s veritably important to widen our vision to what the added value the technology offer on the literacy process. It allows remote learners to interact with the subject matter, subject material, and with each other in the form that couldn’t be achieved for learners without technology. The part of technology is to get remote learners into a position to learn as though they were in- lot. And arguably, from the pedagogical view, it may give a new way to achieve a deep understanding of the subject.
That’s to say, using technology to achieve better issues, better engagement and commerce for the new digital generation, effective assessment and further cost-effective way of bringing the literacy terrain to the learners. E-learning models have evolved from classroom replication towards models that integrate technology and pedagogical issues. In this composition we illustrate ane-learning model that emphasized the part of technology in furnishing electronic access services and rich contents, and concentrate on the pedagogical issues similar online educational design and the creation of online literacy communities and social networks.
Objects Of The Study
The main ideal of this report is to design and apply a web- grounded system that allows commerce between preceptors and scholars. This involves developing an intuitive stoner interface for both educator and pupil. preceptors and
scholars are the external realities to the system who can log into the system and use the functionality handed by the system.
Specific objects include
) to developnon-expensive interactive tools like communication board tool,
discussion group tool and converse tool to give commerce between the pupil and the educator,
ii.) to introduce members of the academics to the conception ofe-Learning, online literacy and virtual literacy,
iii.) to foster better and cordial commerce among members of the academic community( staff and scholars), and
iv.) To develop a cost effective and effective system( nearly free) for
propagating educational coffers between the scholars and speakers.
) to design a system with applicable factors, feasibility and
provision for system expansion without compromising system performance
Statement Of The Problem
Electronic literacy(e-Learning), which facilitates education using dispatches networks, has made learning possible from anywhere at any time by using the Internet, wide area networks or original area networks. specially,e-Learning operations which have come central to the literacy process may be developed using personal programming tools. Meanwhile, the process of acquiring personal programming tools, the license and using them to develop large software operation isn’t only complex but a huge sum of plutocrat is spent on the purchase and license. These have also affected the wide and the position of operation of the system. A possible result to these problems is to use largely flexible open source operation that allows software masterminds and institutions the right to exercise, study, distribute and localize the canons to satisfy stoner’s conditions.
Compass Of The Study
This study revolves around the design and perpetration of ane-learning system for Yaba Tech scholars. The system will be suitable to get and store pupil’s profile information, educational information. scholars will be suitable to pierce notes and lecture accoutrements dropped off by the speakers. They will be suitable to ask questions and admit answers during online sessions, submit assignments and get their scores. Due to some limitations met during the exploration, the system doesn’t cover the computation of the overall grade points at the end of the session.
Defense Of The Study
This work could be useful for scholars or officers in any training association. The system provides a stoner friendly system that facilitates quick and effective literacy to cover larger section of scholars no matter their position and distance. The software also provides paperless and cashless sale result and also has network grounded results to operate multiple counters contemporaneously in a unrestricted terrain.
Supposition Of The Study
During the process of data collection, information relating toe-learning was attained from Yaba Tech. The information was collected from the admin staff during the course of my study. Hence, it’s assumed that all the data collected are correct and contains no false information.
Limitations Of The Study
The following are some factors, which acted as an indictment or constraints to the progress of the design work;
Lack of proved accoutrements It was delicate to start the design originally because reference accoutrements at my disposal are limited.
Financial constraint is another factors that limited the experimenter in retaining out this design effectively.
Disinclination by the repliers in giving information stewing that the information sought would be used to blackjack them or publish a negative image about them.
To fight this, I carried a airman study to establish the possible cause ofnon-compliance in filling the questionnaires and acclimated the questionnaire consequently. Also I encouraged the repliers to share without holding back the information they might be having as the exploration instruments would not bear their names.
Exploration Questions
This exploration work will be guided by the following exploration questions
i. Why proposing ane-learning system for the academy. Is it really important?
ii. How will the proposed computer- grounded system affect the being conventional system?
iii. Cane-learning be used to develop any type of skill?
iv. Does it address a short- term or a long- term literacy need?
Do actors have access to demanded computer and dispatches outfit?
vi. Are actors sufficiently tone- motivated fore-learning or tone- study modes of literacy?
vii. Do target actors ’ time schedules and geographic locales enable
classroom- grounded literacy or other types of coetaneous literacy?
Association Of The Study
The report is organized as follows
This chapter( chapter 1) gives the technologies used to deliver distance education, it describes the problem statement and the main ideal of this design.
Chapter 2 gives background information on distance educations. It details the affiliated literature one-learning
Chapter 3 gives the methodology and analysis of the system
Chapter 4 describes the design and perpetration aspects of this proposed and new system.
Chapter 5 concludes the paper with conclusions and suggestions for unborn work
Description Of Terms
·E-Learning is learning exercising electronic technologies to pierce educational class outside of a traditional classroom. In utmost cases, it refers to a course, program or degree delivered fully online.
· Open Source Software( OSS) is computer software with its source law made available with a license in which the brand holder provides the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and forany purpose.
· Intranet is a private network accessible only to an association’s staff. Generally a wide range of information and services from the association’s internal IT systems are available that would not be available to the public from the Internet.
· ICT Information and dispatches technology( ICT) is an extended term for information technology( IT) which stresses the part of unified dispatches and the integration of telecommunications( telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storehouse, and audio.
·E-Bulletin boardElectronic bulletin boards( also known as communication boards or as computer forums) are online communication systems where one can partake, request, or bandy information on just about any subject.
· Web World Wide Web or the Web, a hypertext system that operates over theInternet.In computing, a web operation or web app is a customer – garçon computer program in which the customer runs in a web cybersurfer.