The Effect Of Foreign Movies On Nigerian Culture



This study investigates how foreign films impact Nigerian society’s cultural legacy. African continent freedom came a long time after. One of the main issues that African leaders must deal with is the purification of African culture, which was tainted by European lords during their rule.

Unfortunately, exposure to Western films has had an impact on African thinking and culture.

The same is true of Nigerian society, which is the study’s main area of interest. The Ibarapa Polytechnic, Eruwa student is the subject of the study as a result.

The report then offered a course of action for restoring and promoting African culture as its last recommendation.

Chapter One, Paragraph One: Introduction

Foreign films are those that are brought in from other nations for amusement. In Nigeria, foreign films have consistently ranked as the most popular type of film. The Nigerian film industry, sometimes known as Hollywood, is dominated by films from nations including the United States of America, India, Mexico, and Korea.

Nigerian actors and actresses are now acting out scenes from international films since the situation is so horrible. A notable illustration of this is the movie “street girls,” which starred Vivian Fox and Queen Latifah and was later portrayed by famed Nigerian actress Fathia Balogun. And it has demonstrated that anything that influences culture.

The first concerted social scientific inquiry or investigation into the consequences of these effects started in western nations with considerations about the effects of cinema. Its purpose was to investigate the negative effects that movies have on communities. Similar worries about potential dangers surfaced during the medium’s emergence as a popular mass entertainment and information source in the 1950s, particularly in relation to young audiences (Gunter, 1994). These days, many people are concerned about the kind of values and attitudes that exposure to certain media materials may instill, particularly enculturation and violent film content (Kubey and Larson, 2005).

The main issue raised in the discussion of violent movies has been whether or not they encourage aggressive conduct in viewers, particularly young viewers (Evra 1990). Additionally, studies have indicated that prolonged exposure to violent content on screens might negatively impact other spheres of social interaction. For instance, it can cause people to tolerate violence in real life as demonstrated by others while also making them fear the environment around them (Ibid). In various parts of the world today, violence is one of the major worries. It is generally agreed that a variety of physiological, psychological, household, and cultural factors contribute to antisocial behavior in humans.

A child’s learning surroundings are also thought to influence his propensity for violent behavior and attitude, as well as his willingness to adopt societal norms and values (Berkowitz, 2001).

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